Before & After

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Our Focus Is You

At Elevate Eyes and Medical Esthetics, the focus is on you—your beauty, your confidence, your journey. 

We deeply value the relationships formed with our patients. You inspire us every day. We’re committed to your satisfaction. When you trust us with your care, our priority is empowering you, uplifting your confidence and self-esteem.

We take great pride in showcasing the visual testimonies that reflect the unique and transformative journeys experienced by our clients. Schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help enhance your skin care.

Before & After images coming soon!

Celebrating Our Patients’ Success

The joy we experience from seeing patient transformations is immeasurable. Our gallery celebrates the trust our clients have in us, and every success story serves as continuous motivation for us to provide personalized care that makes a difference. We’re proud to have a positive impact on our patients’ lives.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment can revitalize and soothe the skin, reduce age spots, and remove unwanted hair. It’s a versatile treatment that can be customized to address your specific skin concerns.

RF Microneedling

RF microneedling with the Potenza is a minimally invasive procedure, using fine, sterilized needles that deliver radio frequency energy below the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production. This treatment can target fine lines, uneven skin tone, and acne, resulting in smoother, firmer skin.

Radio Frequency Treatment

Radio frequency (RF) treatment uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate cell repair and tighten skin. RF can help restore and rejuvenate, lifting sagging skin for a more youthful appearance.

Cutera excel V+

Cutera’s excel V+ is a laser skin resurfacing technology that can treat a range of skin concerns, including redness, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, unwanted hair, varicose veins, and spider veins.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injected beneath the skin. Their primary objective is to enhance fullness and rejuvenate skin smoothness, resulting in a revitalized and youthful appearance. Fillers can also target hollows and shadows beneath your eyes, treating dark circles and eye bags.


Neuromodulators are cosmetic injections that provide a nonsurgical treatment to help smooth deep wrinkles and dimpling, delivering natural-looking results that help diminish the effects of aging.

Chemical Peels & Facials

Chemical peels and facials can refresh your complexion, diminishing the visibility of redness, acne scars, and age or sun-related blemishes.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

We offer complimentary consultations for all our services. During this initial meet and greet, we take the time to connect with you, understand your background, and tailor treatments specifically for you. Let us be a part of your tranformative journey.

*The outcome or results depicted are not guaranteed, and may vary between patients.

Why Us

We Prioritize Patient

Providing outstanding patient experiences is our mission. Your happiness truly brings us joy, and we’re dedicated to promoting your overall wellness. We genuinely care about building lasting relationships with our patients.

We Embrace Technology 

We value innovation because it has the power to enrich quality. We invest in technology that can enhance treatment customization and effectiveness. Our goal is to help you achieve your personal esthetic goals.

We Love What We Do

Our dedication to patient care is at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate our patients’ esthetic journeys, supporting them in living with confidence. Empowering patients is what we’re truly passionate about.

Your Journey Starts Here

At our clinic, we’re fully invested in your wellness journey. When you step into our clinic, you’ll experience a luxurious spa-like ambiance paired with our knowledgeable team and technology-driven treatments. 

We’re proud to provide professional services that can help you feel confident and pampered every moment you spend with us. From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll be warmly greeted and receive our full attention and dedication.

Your satisfaction is our passion. Schedule a consultation to get started.

Visit Us

We offer free parking in our underground parking lot. To access our parking, turn in the laneway on the right side of our building and enter the parking garage on your left. You can enter our lobby from the parking garage near the front of the building and take the stairs or elevator to the second level.

Our Address

  • 148 York St.
  • London, ON N6A 1A9

Contact Information

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