Our Team
in London, ON

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About Us

Experience patient-centred care at Elevate Eyes and Medical Esthetics. 

Our compassionate team is dedicated to crafting personalized, positive experiences from your very first encounter. From a warm greeting at our front desk to an exclusive one-on-one consultation, our team consists of individuals who truly celebrate you. Your treatment provider will guide you through every step of your transformative journey, providing support from the moment you begin. 

We’re immensely proud of our team, and we can’t wait to welcome you.

Meet Our Team


Chantelle Bennett

Medical esthetician

Why Us

We Prioritize Patient

Providing outstanding patient experiences is our mission. Your happiness truly brings us joy, and we’re dedicated to promoting your overall wellness. We genuinely care about building lasting relationships with our patients.

We Embrace Technology 

We value innovation because it has the power to enrich quality. We invest in technology that can enhance treatment customization and effectiveness. Our goal is to help you achieve your personal esthetic goals.

We Love What We Do

Our dedication to patient care is at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate our patients’ esthetic journeys, supporting them in living with confidence. Empowering patients is what we’re truly passionate about.

Your Journey Starts Here

At our clinic, we’re fully invested in your wellness journey. When you step into our clinic, you’ll experience a luxurious spa-like ambiance paired with our knowledgeable team and technology-driven treatments. 

We’re proud to provide professional services that can help you feel confident and pampered every moment you spend with us. From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll be warmly greeted and receive our full attention and dedication.

Your satisfaction is our passion. Schedule a consultation to get started.

Visit Us

We offer free parking in our underground parking lot. To access our parking, turn in the laneway on the right side of our building and enter the parking garage on your left. You can enter our lobby from the parking garage near the front of the building and take the stairs or elevator to the second level.

Our Address

  • 148 York St.
  • London, ON N6A 1A9

Contact Information

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