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Using Chemical Peel for Dark Spots & Hyperpigmentation

A close-up of a persons face with hyperpigmentation.

Many people who experience dark spots and uneven skin tone may feel that a radiant complexion feels just out of reach. But, there are skincare treatments that can address individual concerns. Chemical peels, for example, remove the outer layer of the skin to promote rejuvenation that can fade dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation. A personalized […]

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How To Get Rid of Frown Lines

A person looking at herself in a circular mirror, rubbing her forehead and wondering how to get rid of frown lines.

Frown lines aren’t just a cosmetic concern. They can easily impact your self-esteem and cause you worries about your appearance. Fortunately, you aren’t alone, and with advances in modern technology, it’s easier than ever to get rid of frown lines. There are several treatments available for removing frown lines: What Causes Frown Lines? Your face […]

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How to Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Close-up of a person's stomach as they pinch loose skin on their belly.

Shedding those extra pounds is an incredible achievement, but for many, it can leave behind an unwanted reminder—loose skin. While this is a common concern, the good news is that there are effective ways to tighten your skin after weight loss and regain its youthful elasticity. There are surgical options to tighten skin after weight […]

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What Are Fine Lines & How To Get Rid of Them

A frustrated woman with a towel on her head examining her forehead lines.

Fine lines are often one of the first signs of aging. Appearing around the mouth, eyes, and forehead, these are a natural part of the natural aging process—but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about them. You can visit a skilled esthetician for a consultation where they can determine the right approach to help […]

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How Long Does Botox Take to Work?

A woman with smooth skin after a Botox treatment.

Botox, a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum, has become one of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Despite its widespread use, many still wonder how long Botox takes to work.  The results of Botox typically start to show within 3 to 5 days after the injection. […]

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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

A woman getting dermal fillers for her cheeks

Dermal fillers are popular cosmetic procedures used to restore volume and smooth out facial wrinkles. They are a non-surgical option for those looking to enhance their appearance, with minimal downtime and relatively quick results.  In general, dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Some fillers may even provide results for up […]

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Why Us

We Prioritize Patient

Providing outstanding patient experiences is our mission. Your happiness truly brings us joy, and we’re dedicated to promoting your overall wellness. We genuinely care about building lasting relationships with our patients.

We Embrace Technology 

We value innovation because it has the power to enrich quality. We invest in technology that can enhance treatment customization and effectiveness. Our goal is to help you achieve your personal esthetic goals.

We Love What We Do

Our dedication to patient care is at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate our patients’ esthetic journeys, supporting them in living with confidence. Empowering patients is what we’re truly passionate about.

Your Journey Starts Here

At our clinic, we’re fully invested in your wellness journey. When you step into our clinic, you’ll experience a luxurious spa-like ambiance paired with our knowledgeable team and technology-driven treatments. 

We’re proud to provide professional services that can help you feel confident and pampered every moment you spend with us. From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll be warmly greeted and receive our full attention and dedication.

Your satisfaction is our passion. Schedule a consultation to get started.

Visit Us

We offer free parking in our underground parking lot. To access our parking, turn in the laneway on the right side of our building and enter the parking garage on your left. You can enter our lobby from the parking garage near the front of the building and take the stairs or elevator to the second level.

Our Address

  • 148 York St.
  • London, ON N6A 1A9

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